Pool Safety for Pets: How to Keep Your Furry Friends Safe Around the Pool


Pool Safety for Pets: How to Keep Your Furry Friends Safe Around the Pool


While many pets love the water, owning a pool with no pool safety certificates can present a potential hazard for your furry friends. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dogs are particularly at risk of drowning in residential pools. However, with proper pool fence inspection and pool safety inspections, you can prevent such accidents from happening.



Tips for Pool Safety for Pets


  1. Teach your pets to swim


It's crucial to teach your pets how to swim if they aren't already adept swimmers. Never force a pet into the pool, instead, start out gently by getting them accustomed to shallow water. Introduce them to deeper water gradually, constantly keeping an eye on them and providing assistance when necessary. Throughout the procedure, be sure to give your pet plenty of praise and goodies.


2.      Provide a safe exit


Pets require a secure exit from the pool just like people do. Make sure your pets know where the exit is by providing a ramp or set of stairs for them to use to escape the water. Training your animals to utilise the exit by leading them up and down the ramp or steps is also a smart idea.


3.      Supervise your pets around the pool


Never let your dogs unattended near a swimming pool. If you have a young puppy or an elderly dog with movement restrictions, this is especially crucial. Make sure your dogs aren't attempting to climb or leap over any fences or barriers by keeping a close check on them at all times as per your pool fence inspection guidelines.


4.      Fence off the pool area


A good strategy to keep pets safe is to fence off the pool area, as you will discover when you receive your pool safety certificates. Make sure to build a sturdy barrier or fence around the pool that is high enough to keep your dogs from jumping over it. When the pool is not in use, keep the gate closed.


5.      Use a pet life jacket


Aside from your pool safety inspections guidelines, another helpful tip in protecting your pets from the water is to use a pet life jacket if you intend to take your pets swimming with you. For pets that are unsure swimmers or who have movement challenges, this can add an extra layer of protection and assistance.


Protect Your Pets Today


By getting your pool safety inspections done you can help keep your furry friends safe and happy around the pool. Remember to always supervise your pets, provide a safe exit, and fence off the pool area while also getting your pool fence inspection done. If you're in Melbourne and have concerns about retrieving your pool safety certificates, contact the best pool inspection company around for professional pool inspections and recommendations for improving pet safety around the pool.



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